Flat Chested Older Woman Impregnation HEAVEN Hole 5.7kg

Shipping from Japan
Get ready for the most amazing "hip" type onahole experience, with this 5.7 kg perfect MILF masturbation toy!
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Product Description

Welcome to the Tsurupeta Babaa no Hagemase HEAVEN Hole, which simulates a flat chested older woman who will let you fuck her any time you like! She's embarrassed at being such a wanton hussy, but she can't help herself.

The toy is amazing, the largest and heaviest onahole J-List has ever seen. Being a "hip" type toy, it re-creates the lower half of a sexy woman, giving you access to her vagina or anus for any kind of sex you like!

Despite how amazing the overall design of the toy is, the inside is where the magic happens. The onahole is made in a dual-layer manufacturing process that allows accurate pink coloring inside. The interior design of both holes is great giving you all the twists and turns and tight zones that will have you finishing in no time.

Because of the size and complexity of this onahole, please take special care when cleaning afterwards. Wipe it out with tissues and leave it in a box to dry, or consider using one of the onahole maintenance kits J-List sells.

This is an official hentai product made in tandem with artist Samemanma. A large bottle of ero lotion is included inside the box.

This adult toy is newly restocked!

Extra Info

SKU: OD201
