Akuma-sama's Inverted Vertical Folds Quintet

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Get ready for an amazing new onahole experience courtesy of Magic Eyes!
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Product Description

Would you like a cute devil girl to drain your life force with her amazing vagina? That's what Magic Eyes promises in the Akuma-sama's Inverted Vertical Folds Quintet.

The toy simulates a sexy demon girl's inner vagina, which is organized with vertical "hida" or grooves that move lengthwise along your shaft. There are five different regions, each giving a different kind of amazing sexual sensation as you delve deeper inside her.

The onahole is made of Miyabi Skin, Magic Eyes' proprietary material that feels just like the real thing.

The onahole is rated as 6/10 in terms of firmness, so it's on the firm side. At 560 grams, the weight is perfect for relieving all your stress!

This toy is made in Japan for maximum safety and quality. Starter lotion is included in the sealed box. It has been manufactured in accordance with Japanese hygiene law no. 370, and the materials are 100% phylate-free.

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Length: 16cm (6.3in)
Weight: 560g (1.2lbs)

Extra Info

SKU: AO990
