There's No School In the Village So I'll Teach You

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Enjoy this outstanding hentai doujinshi with an original story, called 'Muraniha Jukuganainode Watashi ga Benkyou wo Oshieteimasu' in Japanese.
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About the product


Product Description

In a small village with no school, a hardworking teacher named Yuki runs a school out of her home for the students. And when they're tired of studying, they like to touch her body and ask her for sexual favors with her hands and mouth.

One boy is Souta, who recently came from Tokyo. He wants more from Yuki, and insists that she take his virginity. What will she awaken in him?

circle: Oyama!KikunosukeVS
artist: Henry Yak Yonsen III
genre: Original

Pages: 44

Extra Info

SKU: NDJ2730